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Działy software

--=[ TOP 20 ]=--


Zapoznaj się z historią programu i ostatnimi zmianami:
Wersja beta z 2007/10/27
  • New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Added support for some popular MKBv4 discs (e.g., "Transformers" HD DVD, US). Note: Support for all MKBv4 discs will be added in a future release
  • New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows PowerDVD Ultra to play back new HD DVD discs from Universal.
  • New (Blu-ray): Added warning message, if disc is BD+ protected
  • New: Added directory listing to the AnyDVD_Info file
  • New: System info is now in separate file
  • New: Added info about IDE controllers to AnyDVD_Info
  • Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm on Windows 2000
  • Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could remove huge parts of a disc, because it thought they were never meant to be played (e.g., "Lost Season 2")
  • Fix (DVD): AI Scanner problem with interleaved cells (e.g., "Meet the Robinsons", US)
  • Fix (DVD): Playback problems with movie only copies of Arccos protected discs made with CloneDVD2 on some DVD player models (e.g., "Saw 3", US or "Hostel 2", UK) using AI Scanner
  • Fix (DVD): CloneDVD2 error "ifomodify" with some Protect-X protected discs attempting a movie only copy (e.g., "One Way", Germany)
  • Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly, causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
  • Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated languages
Wersja PL z 2007/07/31
  • DVD: Dodano wsparcie dla nowych wersji zabezpieczenia FluxDVD
  • DVD: Okienko "Cannot crack all CSS keys" (Nie mo?na z?ama? wszystkich kluczy CSS) nie pojawia si? ju? w nieodpowiednich tytu?ach
  • DVD: Ripper AnyDVD sprawdza teraz, czy na dysku jest wystarczaj?ca ilo?? miejsca
  • Blu-ray: Dodano obs?ug? nowych tytu?w
  • HD-DVD: Rozszyfrowanie "Freedom Vol. 1"
  • Drobne poprawki i usprawnienia
  • Zaktualizowano j?zyki
Wersja z 2007/03/16
  • New (DVD): Added support new versions for the "Protect DVD-Video" copy protection to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors". Examples: "Wer frher stirbt..." and "Perfume", both R2, German
  • Note: With the help of AnyDVD, discs protected with "Protect DVD-Video" can now be played on Windows MCE 2005, with Windows Media player or Zoom Player. WITHOUT ANYDVD RUNNING, THESE DISCS CANNOT BE PLAYED! Shame on the makers of this really bad protection. They dont do their customers a favour, if they cannot watch the original disc! We really hope that they get these discs slapped in their faces by their (ex)customers.
  • Fix (HD DVD): Discs with volume labels ending with a blank character could not be decrypted. Example: "Nine Inch Nails Live: Beside You In Time", US
  • Fix (HD DVD): Discs without iHD menus did not work Example: "Heart - Alive in Seattle" (US & Japan)
  • Fix (Blu-ray): Files with non consecutive sections were not decrypted correctly. Example: Many Blu-ray discs like "Prestige" (US)
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated languages
Wersja PL z 2006/12/1
  • New: Runs under VirtualPC on PowerPC MACs
  • Change: "Aggressive I/O Mode" is less "aggressive", hopefully fixes problems some users are having
  • Change: Clicking "Default" no longer resets "Aggressive I/O Mode" setting
  • Fix: DEP error on Windows Vista
Wersja PL z 2006/09/28
  • New: Added support for new versions of the SONY Arccos protection to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
  • New: Added support for a new copy protection found on Czech DVDs to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors" (still experimental)
  • New: AnyDVD ripper now creates the destination directory if it does not exist
  • Fix: The "Red Dwarf" fix from caused some Sony Arccos protections to fail
  • Fix: Sony Arccos removal didnt always work as it should
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
Wersja PL z 2006/08/19
  • New: Improved support for the FluxDVD protection found on DVDs created from downloads from CinemaNow (needs CloneCD, CloneDVD or better or CloneDVD mobile or better to make a copy)
  • New: Added support for new protections to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
  • New: Workaround for problems with drives reporting the wrong disc capacity
  • Fix: Removal of some versions of the Sony Arccos protection was broken and caused navigation problems
  • Fix: Norwegian language file was broken
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated languages
Wersja PL z 2006/06/09
  • New: The old option "Show information window for new media" from AnyDVD 5.x is back due to popular demand
  • Fix: Crash with Japanese language
  • Fix: Crash of AnyDVD ripper
  • Fix: AnyDVD ripper did not always append the "VIDEO_TS"
  • Updated languages
Wersja PL z 2006/05/14
  • Change: ElbyCDIO updated again to increase compatibility with broken SCSI or IDE drivers (INTEL Application Acceleration driver 1.x, CeQuadrat Virtual CDROM, ...)
Wersja PL z 2006/04/29
  • New: Installer removes old ElbyCDIO.dll versions from CloneCD 3/4 installations to avoid a conflict
  • New: Installer will only ask for reboot, if a reboot is really necessary
  • Fix: Removal of newest Arccos protections did not work correctly, if the option to "remove annoying trailers and adverts" was activated
  • Updated ElbyCDIO access layer
Wersja PL z 2006/04/27
  • New: Added support for a new version of the Sony Arccos protection to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
Wersja PL z 2006/02/15
  • Important: When installing this version over an existing installation, you must reboot your machine. Otherwise the changes made in the AnyDVD device driver will not have any effect!
  • New: Added workaround for DVDShrink / Nero Recode "Out of memory" error when copying Macrovision RipGuard protected discs with menus, e.g. "Madagascar" R1 (US)
  • New: Error zones on RipGuard/Arccos/PuppetLock protected titles are now replaced with "valid material". 3rd party tools like DVDDecrypter will now work better (no more "Pack Header Error" messages - another try, this time it should really work).
  • Note: To use DVDDecrypter with AnyDVD set I/O Model to SPTI or ElbyCDIO. Set CSS Cracking method to none. Disable checking for structure protection.
  • New: Added "AnyDVD Ripper". This little tool repairs defective DVDs while copying them to your harddisk. It can be started from the menu of the AnyDVD fox icon. It can be started as a stand alone application from the start menu as well, so it can be used even if AnyDVD is not registered and the trial period has expired. It is identical to FixVTS ( but instead of fixing problems "in place" it copies the files to your harddisk directly from the source DVD. It fixes the problems while the files are copied. Some DVDs which have severe mastering defects e.g., "Menace II Society" R1 (US) can now be copied with all DVD copy tools (elby CloneDVD, DVDShrink, etc.) Many thanks to the author of FixVTS!
  • Fix: Hang after update check with some system configurations
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated languages
Wersja PL z 2006/01/12
  • New: Added support for a new version of the Sony Arccos protection as found on "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" R2 (Swiss German) to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors" NOTE: This Arccos version is not yet supported with DVDShrink and Nero Recode. With elby CloneDVD the quality bar will not work, but this is only a cosmetic problem. We will try to support this Arccos version better in the future.
  • Updated languages
Wersja v4.6.3.1 z 2005/03/21
  • Poprawiono ekstrakcj? kluczy CSS
  • Poprawiono b??d, ktry powodowa?, ?e zabezpieczenie Arccos nie by?o poprawnie usuwane, je?eli jaki? tytu? mia? jeden rozdzia?
  • Drobne poprawki i ulepszenia
  • Aktualizacja plikw j?zykowych
Wersja v4.6.1.2 z 2005/03/15
  • Poprawiono ekstrakcj? klucza CSS, w przypadku gdy tytu? jest dodatkowo zabezpieczony przez Arcoos lub Puppetlock
  • Rozwi?zano problem z niektrymi tytu?ami zabezpieczonymi przez Arcoos, a ktre by?y niemo?liwe do skopiowania np za pomoc? Total Commandera
  • Poprawiono automatyczne sprawdzanie nowych wersji programu
  • Naprawiono problem z opcj? umo?liwiaj?c? usuwanie kodw regionalnych, ktra powodowa?a niekiedy problemy z odtwarzaniem niektrych tytu?w
  • Usuni?to b??d z wersji AnyDVD, ktry powodowa?, ?e zabezpieczenie Puppetlock nie by?o do ko?ca usuwane w niektrych tytu?ach
  • Drobne poprawki i ulepszenie
  • Aktualizacja plikw j?zykowych
Wersja v4.5.6.2 z 2005/01/25
  • Okno informacyjne pokazuje od teraz wszystkie nap?dy z no?nikiem w ?rodku w tym samym czasie
  • Okno informacyjne jest od teraz ca?kowiecie asynchroniczne i nie b?dzie blokowa? systemu w przypadku pojawienia si? nowego no?nika w nap?dzie
  • Poprawiono problem z wy?wietlaniem przycisku "Continue"
  • Drobne poprawki i ulepszenia
  • Aktualizacja plikw j?zykowych
Wersja v4.5.5.1 z 2005/01/18
  • Dodano obs?ug? nowej wersji zabezpieczenia Sony ARccOS
  • Dodano obs?ug? zabezpieczenia Settec ALPHA-DVD
  • Dodano nazwy zabezpiecze? (Arccos, Puppetlock, ALPHA-DVD) do okna informacyjnego
  • Dodano Video Standard do okna informacyjnego
  • Dodano opcj? deaktywacji kluczy CSS
  • Zmieniono blokowanie plikw – usuni?cie problemu z autoodtwarzaniem
  • Zmieniono t?o okienka z ustawieniami
  • Poprawiono wy?wietlanie w oknie informacyjnym
  • Usuni?to problemy powoduj?ce zawieszanie si? programu
  • Inne drobne poprawki
  • Zaktualizowano pliki j?zykowe
Wersja v4.5.0.1 (beta) z 2005/01/08
  • Dodano okienko informuj?ce o tym, co program aktualnie robi.
  • Dodano mo?liwo?? w??czenia logowania.
  • Naprawiono problem, ktry powodowa? brak autoodtwarzania na niektrych kofiguracjach, je?eli AnyDVD by?o w??czone
  • Drobne poprawki i ulepszenia