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Download » video-niezbednik » GSpot » historia

Zapoznaj się z historią programu i ostatnimi zmianami:
Wersja 3.70 z 2007/02/23
  • Kompatybilny z Windows Vista (testowane tylko na wersji 32-bit)
  • Dodano wsparcie dla formatw MOV oraz WMV (nie ca?kiem sko?czone)
  • Rozszerzone wsparcie dla MP4
  • Poprawiono wiele b??dw
Wersja 2.60 b00 z 2006/09/04
- FLV, MP4, DV1/2 & Raw DV support, more... - Significant advanced features for technical users - Includes unique "Visual GOP Structure" (VGS) subsystem - see screenshots - This is a pre-release - not all features are tested or complete yet. It may be of more interest to technical users, although anyone interested should feel free to download & try it. It is not at all difficult to "use" (Basically just "File -> Open"), but much of the new information provided is of a rather technical nature. But it may tell you exactly what you need to know. See next note. - Ironically, some simpler features for casual users, (e.g. "You need to install codec "X" to play this file...") are not complete yet. And I am aware that, to a large extent, it is those features that have made GSpot as popular as it is). - This temporary limitation is partially due to the complexities of some of the recently developed multimedia formats and variations thereof. For example, some perfectly valid AVI files now require that you replace Microsofts poorly written "AVI Splitter" with a 3rd party one, even though you have the correct actual codec to play the file. These issues will be addressed in a soon to be released FAQ as well as built in detection for such problems (not complete yet). • GSpot 2.52 Build 040915: - Reworked parts of the MPEG-4 parsing routine. It was failing to even identify some files as MPEG-4 altogether, and when it did it sometimes provided erroneous information (the BVOP indicator in particular).