*NOTE: There is NO need to update your CureROM 1.3.x profiles, (Profiles are backward compatable).
Fixed: CureROM should work on all PCs, the previous versions (1.3.0 - 1.3.1) gave some errors while
attempting to load CureROMs Anti-Blacklist measures.
Removed: CureROM no longer uses "madcodehook.dll", this file was removed because some Anti-Virus
applications reported this file as a Virus (but it actually is NOT). Due to the removal of this file the use of
"CureROM Lite" has been suspended ("CureROM Lite" however will be re-enabled in a future release).
Improved: Anti-Blacklist measures, due to a new method of anti-blacklisting, CureROM should now be more
stable than ever before, CureROM also supports "32 Bit" applications running in an "64 Bit"(x64) enviroment.
Added: Due to the popularity of CureROM the support for multiple languages has been added, you can select
your language on the "Welcome" Page.
Note: CureROM setup only contains the english language file(s), check out www.curerom.net or search
www.daemon-tools.cc for links to additional language files.
NOTE: CureROM DT can not be held liable the content contained in the additional (third-party) language files. (NOT IN BETA)
Improved: Profile Loading, if the application executable is not found CureROM will prompt the user to locate the file.
After running the application CureROM will also prompt you to save the updated profile.
Fixed: You are able to mount/unmount images in Alcohol 120% while CureROM Anti-Blacklist measures are active.
Fixed: If deleting a profile(within CureROM), CureROM will remove all the shortcuts that are assotiated to that profile.
Fixed: Warning Message when selecting application file, which contailed UPPER case characters.
Fixed: Files containing some ASCII characters (i.e "®" & "©") would not correctly input into some fields
i.e. ("Application Executable", "Image File", "Shortcut Icon").
Improved: Anti-Blacklist measures, CureROM anti-blacklist measures now hides "Game Jackal" from being blacklisted by a
SecuROM 7 Protected Application (Used with permission by: "gamejackal.com").
Improved: Anti-Blacklist measures, for Daemon-Tools, Alcohol 120%. |