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Download » portable-autostart » Portable Start Menu » historia

Zapoznaj się z historią programu i ostatnimi zmianami:
Wersja 2.1 z 2008/09/18
  • Better memory management
  • PSMenu could crash under rare circumstances when building the icon list
  • Some problems under Windows Vista fixed
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements
Wersja 2.0 z 2008/05/13
  • [+] Quick Start functionality (shortcut to launch the Quick Start window can be defined in program configuration, for example Ctrl+Alt+F12)
  • [+] Adding new applications: "Scan for EXE files" for mass additions
  • [+] URLs can be opened (eg. in application field)
  • [+] Application configuration: Deleting an app automatically selects the next app
  • [x] Improved handling of defect configuration files
  • [x] Internal improvement: more reliable way to save configuration file
  • [-] Conflicts with duplicates fixed Minor fixes/improvements
Wersja 1.3 beta 1 z 2008/01/28
  • [+] Faster startup speed due to icon caching
  • [+] Program icons with more than 256 colors supported
  • [+] Folders can be opened (eg. e:\data)
  • [+] Relative paths supported (eg. ..\editor\edit.exe)
  • [+] Variable %windir% supported (eg. %windir%notepad.exe to start Notepad on the host PC)
  • [+] Variable %ProgramFiles% supported (eg. %ProgramFiles%Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe to start IE on the host PC)
  • [+] Variable %AppData% supported (path to the Application Data folder)
  • [+] Variable %MyDocuments% supported
  • [+] PSMenu asks if you want to overwrite an existing autorun.inf file
  • [+] PSMenu creates bak files when saving an autorun.inf file
Wersja 1.2 beta 1 z 2007/10/30
  • od teraz litera pen drive'a jest wy?wietlana w ikonie programu na pasku zada?
  • wprowadzono par? mniej istotnych ulepsze?