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Download » dyski-twarde-(hdd)-pozostale » Unlocker » historia
  • Unlocker

    Status: Freeware | waga: 0.11 MB | licznik: 29157 | Strona domowa

Zapoznaj się z historią programu i ostatnimi zmianami:
Wersja 1.9.0 z 2010/11/08
  • New feature: Complete support for 64 bit operating systems with signed driver.
  • New language: Basque thanks to Beñat Antxustegi.
  • New language: Galician thanks to Delio Docampo Cordeiro.
  • New language: Macedonian thanks to Nikola Trencevski.
  • New language: Malaysian thanks to Arjuna Puteraz.
  • Improved behavior: No false positives for 32 bit version.
  • Improved behavior: Handles are now sorted by process instead of appearing in random order when launching Unlocker.
  • Improved UI: Locked DLL show as DLL instead of handle number.
  • Improved UI: Fixed same process appearing differently depending on cases.
  • Promotional feature: Fully optional eBay shortcuts, Bing or Quickstores toolbar depending on location.
Wersja 1.8.9 z 2010/03/10
  • Fixed bug: Handles should not be missing anymore on Windows7.
  • Fixed bug: Potential conflict with regular explorer use when opening multiple files or other shell extensions such as 7-zip.
  • Fixed bug: UI should now appear properly when done from clean install.
  • Fixed bug: No hangs due to looping junctions should happen anymore.
  • Fixed bug: Deleting junctions will not erase original files anymore.
  • Fixed bug: Managing your computer on Windows 7 will not crash anymore.
  • Fixed bug: Bitmap handles should not leak anymore from the shell extension.
  • Fixed bug: Many other potential sources of bugs and crashes.
  • Improved behavior: When deleting files they will be sent first to the recycle bin if possible, only if not possible more abrasive deletion will be used.
  • Improved behavior: Unlocker can be started directly from the start menu to browse to the desired file or folder.
  • Promotional feature: Added fully optional shortcuts to eBay during the installation. Simply untick "eBay shortcuts" in the choose components page during install if you do not wish to have those.
Wersja 1.8.8 z 2009/10/26
  • Improved behavior: Improved the way DLLs are unloaded.
  • Promotional feature: Added fully optional shortcuts to eBay during the installation. Simply untick "eBay shortcuts" in the choose components page during install if you do not wish to have those.