- Display engine ram usage optimized
- Memory leakage removed
- Paste mono is now supported for multichannel files
- Export file as binary added:
- 8,16,24,32,64 bits support, float, pcm and little and big endian
- no header or chunk added, just raw datas
- New 3D frequency editor:
- independent window with menu, toolbar and status bar
- new 3D and color representation
- increase computation speed and display
- mouse support to rotate the current view
- zoom in/out
- Time format (time bar and status bar) is now global and saved in cfg file
- VST:
- VST host tempo added in editor configuration dialog box
- VST rack slot full replaced by replacing command
- Various icon bugs fixed
- SamplePos now supported (VstTimeInfo)
- Amplitude zoom short cut added Ctrl+up or down arrow
- Undo:
- unlimited undo!
- behavior and ram usage improved
- lots of action are now "undoable": marker and loop position, volume enveloppe etc.
- Bit depth converter dialog box bug fixed
- Save and Save as engine recoded
- Modified flag added: reminder dialog box is now after file modifications (option still exist to deactivate, but only for advanced user)
- Unlimited marker number