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Dlanor miał bardzo pracowite 2 tygodnie. Pojawiły się kolejne wersje managera plików dla Playstation 2. Najważniejsze zmiany od wersji 3.75 to możliwość zmiany nazw zainstalowanych gier wyświetlanych przez HDLoadera oraz... prosty edytor tekstu obsługujący klawiaturę! Tak, Playstation 2 doczekało się własnej namiastki windowsowego Notatnika! Pracując z plikami można korzystać z takich funkcji jak New, Open, Close, Save, Save-as, Exit, Mark, Copy, Cut, Paste i inne. Dzięki temu wszelkie pliki konfiguracyjne będzie można zmieniać z poziomu PS2.
Pełna lista zmian od wersji 3.75:
Added ability to use 'Select', 'Left', and 'Right' as normal launch keys, by giving them optional string definitions. If those are not used, the old default usage applies, with these keys being used to enter configurator and to switch CNF pages. If the new strings are used, but set to empty strings, then these keys are disabled, and if you use the new strings for proper launch paths, then those will be used as for normal launch keys
"MISC/Configurator" corresponds to the default action for 'Select' button
"MISC/Load CNF--" corresponds to the default action for 'Left' button
"MISC/Load CNF++" corresponds to the default action for 'Right' button
Fixed several cases of incomplete PFS unmounts (caused occasional browser errors)
Made some changes to various text messages for better english and consistency
Changed TextEditor to use 'Select' button to toggle virtual keyboard OFF as well as ON
Fixed a TextEditor bug that caused insert mode to be missed when cursor at CR+LF line end, thus causing the CR+LF combo to be overwritten when entering a character
Tweaked TextEditor colour brightness, from 255 to 160 as max component value
Fixed TextEditor popups to use standard GUI colours and to obey the Popup_Opaque flag
Merged in the text editor contributed by Polo
Changed ELF file names from BOOTc.ELF + BOOT.ELF to BOOT.ELF + uncompressed_BOOT.ELF
Added support for using uLaunchELF on such CDVD filesystems that are limited to 8+3 characters for filename+extension, by also allowing a CNF file to be loaded even when renamed LNCHELF.CNF (or LNCHELF1.CNF etc for multiple CNFs). This patch only applies to loading CNFs. CNF files saved will always use the longer form of the name (LAUNCHELF.CNF etc).
Added abilty to display HDL game info and to rename such games (for the gamelist). This feature is based on a modified version of an IRX module contributed by Polo.