DivX Networks wypuściło na świat swoje najnowsze dziecko, kodek DivX 5.1. Zapowiadają, że niesie on ze sobą największy skok jakościowy w historii Divx'a - większy, niż przy przesiadce z 4.12 na 5.0.
Oto lista wprowadzonych zmian:
- New:
- Added a new high-quality psychovisual mode that includes the following features:
- Texture cortex masking and rate distortion algorithm
- Hybrid mode (with texture cortex masking)
- Speed optimization
- Chroma operation (this option is not enabled by default for performance reasons; to enable it, create an empty file in C:\ called "DivxPvShapingChroma.txt" for "fast" mode and "DivxPvSimpleChroma.txt" for slow mode; testing shows only 1-2% gains in JND tests)
- The decoder has been rearchitected and is now 10 to 30% faster on all CPU platforms
- The decoder now supports automatic post-processing during video playback
- Added new features to the rate control modes of the encoder, including:
- A complexity vector log file
- An API that allows real-time control of rate control
- An API that allows forced I-frame insertion
Czy skok jakościowy jest tak duży, jak przy przejściu z DivX 3.22 beta na 4.0 ? Wątpię, ale na pewno jest warty uwagi.
Kodek ściągnąć można z naszego FTP oraz ze strony producenta.
- Improved:
- Redesigned encoder GUI. The new GUI is more accessible and simplifies overall usage
- DivX 3 compatibility. (There were no problems detected on any of the more than 60 hours of test content.)
- Performance of Nth Pass strategy planning performance
- A bug that caused the quantizer to overshoot the bitrate following a transition to a complex scene
- A bug that limited the interframe change in quantizer to the ideal quantizer or plus or minus 2
- A bug in RGB32 to YUV conversion on Pentium 4 machines
- A minor bug that affected multiple CPU configuration
- A bug with the rate control video buffer verifier (VBV) that would enforce a "3 sec" max bitrate
- Several bugs that affected Nth Pass encoding strategy planning
- A bug that caused a different number of frames to be reported between different passes in VirtualDub
- A bug that caused motion vector (MV) reuse to be non-functional
- A bug that caused problems when MV reuse and psychovisual mode were used together
- Several bugs with the installer
- A bug that caused a crash when setting crop/resize values
Sprawdzali¶cie ???
I jak dzia³a ??? Faktycznie lepszy dla s³abszych komp ???
Trudno mi cokolwiek powiedzieæ – nie mam ¿adnego takiego pod rêk±. W ka¿dym razie, spowolnieñ te¿ nie zauwa¿y³em. 🙂
zainstalowa³em no i szybko¶æ ¿ó³wia kompresuje film dwa razy d³u¿ej ni¿ np5,02