W dniu dzisiejszym ukazała się nowa wersja
bezpłatnego programu do nagrywania płyt o nazwie Burnatonce 0.99.5. Odznacza się on możliwością nagrywania obrazów płyt typu Bin+Cue, Toc i ISO. Potrafi tworzyć płyty z danymi oraz audio z plików mp3, mp2, ogg i flac i zapisywania ich do formatów ISO, Cue, Toc. Obsługuje również track listy formatów cue, toc, m3u, pls i bpl. Posiada możliwość nagrywania na nagrywarkach CD-RW oraz DVD. Program można ściągnąć z tego
serwera, update z wersji 0.99b do 0.99.5
Można również odpowiednio z naszego serwera
FTP pełna wersja i
Ze względu na długą listę zmian, pozwolę sobie nie tłumaczyć i pozostawię to w oryginale
- Added Settings -> Options window for most settings
- Added Delete Images option to Options -> General
- Added move output.txt to root of burnatonce folder
- Added new style 'browse for folder' dialog on supported systems
- Added specify speed used for disc erase (instead of maximum)
- Added specify --force for disc erase if selected
- Added Save Window Position option to Options Window
- Added user no longer needs to set UseProDVD=True in ini file
- Added read data cd and dvd to iso image format
- Added support of SPTI enabled ProDVD for dvd writing
- Added option to enable/disable dvd title guessing in data mastering
- Added status bar now shows compilation size in megabytes
- Removed checksum support in preparation of improved implementation
- Added set default audio temp folder to system temp folder
- Added clear audio temp folder on project clear and program exit
- Added ensure temporary audio track filenames are unique
- Added support for reading AAC, MPC and APE Audio header
- Added do not add audio file if header cannot be read
- Added reorder audio tracks using drag and drop
- Removed buggy implementation of freedb
- Removed buggy implementation of filename to cdtext
- Fixed incorrect (unix) format or missing text from cue/toc
- Fixed error reading ID3v2 tag which contains cover art
- Fixed hidden files/folders not added to data mastering
- Fixed titlebar not considered when resizing mastering windows
- Fixed relative path names not supported in audio playlist
- Fixed files in format of .something not added to data mastering
- Fixed incorrect reading of vorbis tag containing replaygain info
- Fixed relative path names not supported in audio playlist
- Fixed maximum frames allowed for track mark in/out and pause
- Fixed track mark in/out and pause text boxes character length not limited
- Fixed checking of track mark in/out values broken
- Fixed additional two second gap at start of audio cd in some cases
- Fixed inaccurate length calulation when importing cue/toc
- Fixed issues importing non-compliant cue sheets